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22 Jan 2019

In a press conference held in its headquarter in Dubai, the Federal Electricity and Water Authority announces its initiative to reduce the electricity consumption tariff for the free hold category

The Federal Electricity and Water Authority held a press conference during which it announced its initiative to reduce the consumption tariff for the free hold category for non-locals (villas and apartments) and return to the categories system that was previously in place.

In detail, the Director General of the Authority, Mohammed Mohammed Saleh, said during the proceedings of the conference held at the headquarters of the Authority in Dubai that with the start of the Tolerance Year 2019, and in accordance with the Government's directives to enhance the family and society stability of the residents in State, it was decided to reduce the consumption tariff for the free hold category for non-locals (residential villas and apartments), which was 45 Fils/KW to be replaced by the categories system, where it will reduced to 28 Fils/KW for 2000 KW of monthly consumption, 33 Fils/KW for the consumption from 2001 to 4000 KW, 37 Fils/KW for consumptions from 4001 to 6000 KW and 43 Fils/KW for consumption above 6000 KW.

Within the framework of the periodic review and evaluation mechanisms carried out by the Feral Electricity and Water Authority, it have decided to return to the slab system, which will benefit more than 35 thousand customer of the total 53 thousand housing units belonging to this category, and more than 70% of the beneficiaries come within the first category whose consumption tariff will range from 45 Fils to 28 Fils per kilowatt, i.e. a reduction of up to 37%, as Saleh said.

Director General also said that the new tariff will be applied on the consumptions of this January, and will be reflected on the bills issued during February. He noted that text messages and emails concerning the change of tariff will be sent the customers who have updated their data.

Federal Electricity and Water Authority has provided other facilities to its customers during the last quarter of the 2018, including the cancellation of security deposit on the second residence of the UAE local and return the paid amounts under this term to the accounts of the customers who have updated their data, as well as the cancellation of the fees for issuing the land clearance certificate.

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